• Red and Grey
Red and Grey

Red and Grey

Red and Grey

Adventures and tribulations of a young correspondent in China

Author: Javier Borràs Pages: 264

Javier Borràs Arumí is a young journalist who moved to Beijing to work in a Spanish news agency. There he discovered first-hand what China is like: seductive and schizophrenic, fun and profound, tender and dark.

With a style that recalls the best narrative journalism, the author introduces us to a China in which his own gaze will continue to change, as his knowledge of the country grows and blends with his daily experiences. A combination of a travel book and an essay, written with an air of confidence and a curious gaze, which transports us to a country which is as mysterious as it is fascinating.

Key facts:

  • The author contributes to various media outlets, such as Jot Down, Esglobal, La Vanguardia, and El Mundo.
  • A combination of a travel book and an essay, fresh and respectful but without being naive, it leads us to uncover the past, the diversity, and the great transformations China has seen.

About Javier Borràs

Javier Borràs Arumí is a freelance journalist, and has written reports from East Asia, ex-Soviet countries, Europe, and Latin America. He has contributed to media outlets such as Jot Down, Esglobal, Proceso, Público, Crític, La Vanguardia and El Mundo. He has worked for the agency Agencia EFE in Beijing; there he fell in love with China, a country he considers his second home. On his bedside table he has books by Josep Pla, Robert D. Kaplan, and Svetlana Aleksiévich. He likes to travel in sleeper trains and eat spinach lasagne.

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